Neelam Bhatti

Neelam Bhatti

Neelam Bhatti

Head of Primary - Academic Admin - Primary

International School of Creative Science Muwaileh

Neelam Bhatti

How has COVID 19 changed the future for education sector? What has been the biggest challenge for this sector in these times of crisis?

Covid has changed the Education sector by allowing people to be resilient and to think of new opportunities. It has allowed technology to be further integrated into learning and teaching. Teachers have upskilled themselves very quickly and adapted very nicely to the fast pace and demands put their way showing that they are passionate and high achievers with students wellbeing and learning a priority. The biggest challenge has been not to be able to use the resources like we used such as the library facilities, staff absence, curriculum adaptation.

How are making sure there is incessant flow of education and the students are able to grab it via remote education?

The flow of Education did not actually stop it instead got faster to meet the demands of going into distant learning without preparation and overnight allowing this to take off and in turn everyone to flourish with so quickly. Remote learning last academic year 2020 was fun and engaging. This year although we are predominantly face to face, remote learning is still a learning mode for parents to opt for. The education is live and dedicated staff ensure that all students are taken care off and involved. One of the school improvement priorities is also the care and support of all students. Remote learning has not stopped these learners to engage or learn.

According to you which area of education sector will witness maximum use of emerging technology in the next 5 years?

All areas will see an emergence and all subjects.

As the crisis imposes immense setback for teachers to impart knowledge, how do you think their concerns and wellbeing can be addressed?

Wellbeing is a high focus area for both staff and students. The remote learning, pandemic, no travel to families abroad meant that this time has affected everyone. We have weekly wellbeing sessions ad during staff training weeks it is daily. We have social workers and Psychologist on hand to support and cluster focus groups with leaders to support and mentor staff.

How do you think attendees will benefit from Distance Education & E- Learning Summit?

There is an array of professional experienced leaders and professionals and their valuable contributions will 1) support others, 2) their experiences over the past 8 or 9 months will allow others to improve, 3) technology and its use will give attendees to improve their practices

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